Grit Ohio

GRIT Resources for Schools

The GRIT career assessment and coaching process can be implemented flexibly according to the needs of the school. The data produced from this process can aid students and schools in identifying career pathways from which to make decisions about things such as Career Technical Education, College Credit Plus, and/or obtaining industry credentials.

Career Ready

Career assessment, coaching, plan development, career days, career exploration curriculum, summer workforce training. Industry credentials embedded into classes.

Job Services

Job fairs, shadowing, work experience, placement, and remote work readiness. Industry credentials as self-study. Next steps plan development.

Student Internships

PR & IT / Marketing – Students receive paid training and learn new skills while gaining valuable experience. IT internships within the schools.


Workforce collaboration and recruiting programs with high schools, colleges & universities, partner companies, and local agencies. Juvenile probation workforce intervention options. Professional development in career coaching and in-demand careers.

How Can GRIT Help You?

Let us know what your community needs. We love these types of conversations! Contact GRIT today to learn more!