Leap Forward with GRIT – 2024
February 28-29, 2024
OU Southern Campus | Ironton, OH
GET DETAILS: https://www.gritohio.org/leap-forward-2024/
A dynamic two-day conference featuring engaging keynote speakers, specialized breakout rooms, and valuable networking opportunities.

Are you interested in strengthening community outreach, economic development, and collaboration within your organization/community? Leap Forward With GRIT provides an opportunity to share ideas and to encourage and support each other as we strive to bring about individual and community economic growth.
If you are a professional in one of these fields or related roles, this event is at no cost to you:
Economic Development, Nonprofit Leaders, Agency Directors, School Administrators, Community Advocates, Teachers, County Agencies, Human Resources, Government Workers, Entrepreneurs, Caseworkers, Business Leaders, Guidance Counselors, Elected Officials, Workforce Development